Monday, April 4, 2011

Menu Monday: Pantry Freezer Challenge Part IV

I always find it interesting that no matter how I plan to have meals each week things seldom go as planned.  I was just looking over last week's menu plan because I hate to repeat meals too soon after we've had them.  I thought it would be fun this week however, to tell you first what we did have before I tell you what I've planned for the coming week.

For the week of March 27-April 3
Planned:                                                                     Had:
Vegetable Beef Soup                                                 Vegetable Beef Soup
Swiss Steak                                                                Take out chicken tenders and potato logs
Teriyaki Chicken Wings/Rice                                    Leftover Soup
Oven Baked Corn Dogs                                             Teriyaki Chicken wings, rice, eggrolls
Mac and Cheese                                                         Leftover Teriyaki wings and eggrolls
Leftover wings and rice                                             Fish Fillets and Fries
Roast Beef with Vegetables                                       Steak Rouladen with Pierogi
Banana Cream Pie/Lemon Sugar Cookies                 Banana Cream Pie
As you can tell, some of the meats planned do get used, some of the meals planned get used and some fly right out the window!  So occasionally you might think, "Boy she must really like Macaroni and Cheese!"  when in actuality, I just haven't gotten around to making it at all, but keep planning to make it, lol.

Well on to the current meal plan.

Monday: Chicken Fried Rice, Roll, Banana Cream Pie 
Leftover Rice, Shredded chicken from freezer, and odds and ends of vegetables in the fridge filled this fried dish with loads of vegetables.  I made bread this morning and that roll was actually a cinnamon roll wihtout any cinnamon or sugar.   It was a bit off th eend and so it baked up plain and I ate it, plain.

Tuesday:  Sausage Pizza with Vegetables
 I'll be out shopping and I thought this would be an easy meal to come home to.  The crust is partially baked and cooling on the counter.  I have even chopped my vegetables.  All I need do is spread crust with tomato sauce, top and bake briefly.  It will be a welcome quick meal after a busy day.

Wednesday:  Tuna Mac Salad, Saltines,
The weather is meant to be warm and if today is any indication we shall most certainly be warm.And should it turn off cool, which is always possible in April, I think a bowl of tomato soup would go along just fine.  This is Chance's favorite dish and I love the economy of it.  It's filling and delicious and light enough for warm weather.

Thursday:  Chicken Parmesan, Pasta, Salad, Biscuits
I love Chicken Parmesan...  This meal is  no trouble at all to make and I'll use the leftover sauce from the jar I open for the pizza.  I'll make biscuits for our breakfast and we'll eat the leftovers for our dinner.

Friday:  Leftovers Day
I am sure we shall have plenty of leftovers and today would be just the day to clear out the fridge before the weekend fully arrives.

Saturday:  Steak, Twice Baked Potato, Salad
I bought sirloin on sale last weekend and I shall thaw it while we are gone for the day.  The potatoes I will bake on Friday and stuff and I'll make the salad then as well.

Sunday:  Chicken and Dumplings, Slaw, Pears
I've a whole chicken in the freezer and I think I shall boil it, perhaps on Friday (it seems it shall be quite a kitchen day doesn't it?).  I haven't made chicken and dumplings for Chance in quite some time and I think he might enjoy them.


MotherHen said...

Boy I can relate to some meals planned flying right out the window, lol!! It happens around here like every week, lol!! Things happen so I "Hold my plans loosely!" & I usually transfer that meal to next week - one less meal ingredients to buy for that week :-)

Deanna said...

I've often thought that the readers of my Dee's Kitchen blog must think the same thing about me liking a certain dish because it keeps showing up on my menu. ;) I like having a plan but am perfectly willing to adapt as necessary. Sounds like you are the same way.